If you’ve been following my journey of self-discovery as a go about rebuilding an existing business and rebuilding a new one, you’ll know that I’ve created other bu […]

A Quick Guide to Commercializing Your Company Assets
This article provides essential tips on managing your company assets. Did you know that the value of your business assets doesn’t have to be locked in them? In other […]
What Is Product and Service Innovation
This article explains the importance of innovation in the business and its different stages. People often believe that innovation requires something groundbreaking. But t […]
Five Ways to Future-Proof Your Business
This article provides essential tips to help your business thrive and succeed. Every business faces challenges, but not all of them push through. In fact, around 70% of s […]
Best Cross-Border Payment Gateways
This article explains the importance of using payment gateways and provides the best tools to be used. Card payments have become a prevalent payment method in many types […]
Leading Through Uncertainty
This article explains essential tips on how leaders can effectively support employees in times of uncertainty. It also imparts how open communication and the use of techn […]
How Small Businesses Can Make Use of Marketing Analytics
The article explains the importance of using marketing analytics in small businesses However creative it is, marketing has a vital data-driven component to it. To execute […]
How Effective Leaders Support Their Employees’ Mental Health
This article highlights the mental stressors of employees which are affecting their productivity. It points out the importance of collaborative effort between leader and […]
Top 10 Trends of Entrepreneurship in 2022
This article highlights the top trends in entrepreneurship to look forward to in 2022. The modern markets and business landscape have been affected by numerous factors. T […]
All Eyes On You: The Art of Delivering the Perfect Presentation
This article provides essential tips on how to deliver a dynamic presentation. It explains how the quality of your preparation can affect the result of your presentation. […]
Will the ‘Great Resignation’ Create an Uptick in Entrepreneurship?
This article highlights how Great Resignation changes the global workforce. It also explains how this change can turn into great opportunities. The traditional market has […]
Five Steps to Manage & Resolve Conflict in the Workplace
The article addresses the impacts of conflicts in the workplace. It provides better understanding, tips and benefits to overcome it, resulting in improved relationships, […]
Project Positive Body Language and Rid Yourself of Distracting Body Movements
This article describes how distracting movements can impact your presentations and explains why proper body movement is essential. It suggests several helpful tips on how […]
How to Improve Your Virtual Sales Effectiveness
This article highlights the pros and cons of traditional sales vs virtual sales. It addresses the effectiveness of shifting to virtual sales and why it is beneficial. The […]
Are You Social Selling or Just Being Social ?
The article explains why developing best practices is essential in social selling. It highlights how having the right social selling strategies bring authentic connection […]
Do You Possess Executive Presence?
Entrepreneurs who have executive presence are more confident, more likeable, easier to trust. Executive presence isn’t something that can be assumed or faked. This arti […]
Would You Want Your Dentist To “Just Wing It”?
It is crucial to prepare for presentations instead of winging it as difficult questions are expected, especially from a C-level audience. Preparation is essential to a su […]
Virtually Speaking – Putting Your Best Self Forward For Virtual Meetings
This article highlights the right tools and techniques to deliver a successful virtual presentation. When fewer meetings are taking place, you must put your best self for […]
Do Prospects Know, Like, and Trust Your Brand?
If people know, like, and trust your content, they will want to do business with you. It doesn’t take an ace marketing team to figure that one out. And yet, many brands […]
Telling the Truth
It’s human nature to say to people, “Hey Joe, how are you doing?” We tend to ask that out of common courtesy to before moving into the topic on our minds. But today […]
A Journey of Self-Discovery Re-Creating My Business in a Covid-19 World
Whether or not you’ve been afflicted with the Covid-19 virus, it no doubt has still had an impact on everyone’s life. For the longest time I felt that because I was l […]
What Does Industry 4.0 Look Like for Entrepreneurs in 2020?
Entrepreneurs are facing more challenges today than ever before. In a deeply connected world, it’s difficult to make any decision without a massive ripple effect. The F […]
To Survive, You Need to Follow the Bubbles
Whether you are an entrepreneur, MNC or small business enterprise, one thing is for certain, we are all experiencing some form of disruption in our business as a result o […]
Are you ready to ride the waves of change post pandemic?
Emerging Prepared with a Plan in a Post Pandemic Economy It’s April 2020 and as I wake up and start my day, there is always the nagging questions lingering in my head. […]
Virtually Speaking – Putting your Best Self Forward for Virtual meetings
Depending on when your community, company or country issued a stay-at-home policy, it could now be weeks or months now since you began working from home. Not surprisingly […]
Crafting a Powerful Persuasive Presentation
When it comes to meeting people and presenting in person, you are in a good position to ‘read the room’, to get a sense of how your information is or isn’t being […]
Do Prospects Know, Like, and Trust Your Brand?
If people know, like, and trust your content, they will want to do business with you. It doesn’t take an ace marketing team to figure that one out. And yet, many brands […]
Is Social Media Making Us Narcissistic?
If baby boomers were the “Me Generation,” then it’s not too far-fetched to call Millenials the “Me, Me, Me Generation.” By every standard, we are all becoming m […]
Do You Really Know What Business Marketing Is?
There are countless books and courses on marketing and how to do it properly. You’ve probably read or attended some yourself. But, do you feel like you have a good gras […]
How Outsourcing Works for the 50-60 Entrepreneur
When discussing entrepreneurship with start-ups or potential business owners, I expound that this is the absolute best time to be in business! Technology makes it so that […]
10 Simple SEO Tips for the 50-60 Something Entrepreneur
Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about increasing the online visibility of your business. Once upon a time, SEO was mostly about adding keywords to your website an […]
Are you as equally prepared as Noah?
Will you be prepared if you suddenly find yourself jobless? Chances are you’ve read the story of Noah building the Ark in advance of the big flood. Or you’ve se […]
Embracing Technology as a 50-60 Something Entrepreneur
Seen from a distance, technology can look daunting, today more than ever. For people who didn’t grow up with the Internet, terms such as cloud computing, managed hostin […]
How to Market Your Small Business for Less Than $100 a Month
For start-up entrepreneurs and small business owners, every dollar counts. But even if you start with a tight marketing budget, this doesn’t mean you cannot increase th […]
Are you ready to take a leap of faith…..in yourself and your abilities
My journey into entrepreneurship began when I was in my thirties. To individuals in their 50-s and 60s, you might think that there is not a lot of risk associated with st […]
Twenty Good Habits for the 50-60 Entrepreneur
Being a successful entrepreneur is more of a marathon than a sprint, whether you start at twenty or at fifty. Success rewards those who have the patience to wait for it, […]
Moving From the Corporate World to Entrepreneurship at 50 or 60
I can remember the day when I made the decision to leave the corporate world and become an entrepreneur like it was yesterday. I was fortunate in the sense that it was a […]
6 Online Marketing Tips for the 50-Something Entrepreneur
Social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing – so many ways to market products and services o […]
The scariest thing I ever did, changed my life forever
‘Oh no’ I thought. The call that I knew would come sooner or later was about to take place. No, it’ wasn’t the dreaded call about a sick relative or a death in th […]
How to Get Started with Social Media for the 50-60 Something Entrepreneur
When you see the title of this article, some of you may be saying, ‘what do you mean, how do I get started with social media, like it’s some big secret?’ To some, i […]
Entrepreneurship… Do you have what it takes to be self-employed?
As we move into the new decade more people will venture into business on their own, either by choice or necessity as a result of unemployment. Regardless of how people ar […]
5 Ways to Reduce Stress for the 50-60 Something Entrepreneur
Getting a start-up going can be stressful at any age – there’s a lot to do, and the checklist keeps growing. Yet you don’t have to let stress accumulate. As a fifty […]
20 Good Habits for the Fifty-Sixty Something Entrepreneur
Being a successful entrepreneur is more of a marathon than a sprint, whether you start at twenty or at fifty. Success rewards those who have the patience to wait for it, […]
The Advantages of the Fifty-Sixty Entrepreneur
Today, when younger entrepreneurs get so much media attention, it may seem that they have a head start, but in fact, there are twice as many successful entrepreneurs over […]
How to Shift From a Corporate Mindset to an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Moving from the corporate world to entrepreneurship is a lot more than just moving from a large office to a soho environment and becoming your own boss. Getting into the […]
Live Workshops
Choices. We all love choices. There’s power in the word choice. It makes us feel in control because we get to decide what we want and what direction we want to go. If I […]
Choices. We all love choices. There’s power in the word choice. It makes us feel in control because we get to decide what we want and what direction we want to go. If I […]
7 Key Success Factors for 50+ Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs past 50 years of age make up a vibrant group in the world of small businesses. If you’ve been thinking about starting your own business, this is a great t […]
Online Courses
Choices. We all love choices. There’s power in the word choice. It makes us feel in control because we get to decide what we want and what direction we want to go. If I […]
How to use Buyer Personas to Increase Conversions
You may have a broad idea about who you’re selling to. You may know their approximate age, their location, or the sort of keywords they are using to search for products […]
Why Entrepreneurs at 50+ have a Higher Success Rate
Gen Y folks probably don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to tell you anyway. It may seem like starting young is the best way to build a successful business, today […]
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Content Marketing
Content marketing can help your startup or small business connect with your audience on a personal level. It builds credibility and trust and encourages content sharing, […]
It’s Time for You to Ask and Answer some Tough Questions about Your Future
If you’re a Baby Boomer who grew up watching your father go off to work; where he stayed until his retirement, you most likely thought you too, would find a job that wo […]
There’s Power in the Word Choice. As a Baby Boomer, it’s Time to Make a Choice
Choices. We all love choices. There’s power in the word choice. It makes us feel in control because we get to decide what we want and what direction we want to go. If I […]
8 Free Marketing Tactics for your Small Business
If you were to ask newbie entrepreneurs about their marketing strategy, most will tell you they don’t have one. My guess is that they share a similar belief with other […]
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